Friday, October 17, 2008

Accountability: 5 days done!

I did it!  Today I completed the last day of my personal 5-day treadmill challenge.  After not feeling so well yesterday I wasn't sure what would happen this afternoon.  No problem, though.  I walked for 16 minutes and ran for 14. 

Tomorrow, bright and early, is First Place and the weigh-in.  I'm always nervous about it when I know I've put in extra effort or successfully escaped many food temptations through the week, unsure as to whether it will result in a loss.  I really want a loss.  BADLY.  I always have to keep my feelings in check, though, because I've been told numerous times it's not about the number.  It's about your heart.  Eventually, I'll "get it."

You're welcome to keep track of my progress here on my blog, over there in the sidebar to the right.  I have a Traineo button up that tells how much weight I have left to lose.  {But if you thought it would display my actual weight, you must be out of your mind!}  I'll be updating it tomorrow afternoon when I learn what my weight is. the way...guess I'll be heading over to Sephora to pick up the lip gloss that I perspired my little heart out for.  I'll bet you thought I forgot.  {wink}

1 comment:

  1. I knew you wouldn't forget to get the lip gloss. =)

    Way to go! And it ISN'T about the number. It's about getting healthy and doing what you should to care for the temple of the Holy Spirit. Hmm, sounds like something I need to tell myself...


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