Sunday, December 14, 2008

A Month of Sundays

It's good to be home this Sunday afternoon.  This morning I realized that this is the first Sunday afternoon in four weeks that I've been able to spend at home.

Three weeks ago there was an afternoon children's program practice, and I was at church all day.  Two weeks ago we had a special afternoon service with a dinner between, so  I was pretty much at the church all day.  Last week was another children's practice... at church all day.  And today.... NOTHING. 

Can you say, Sunday afternoon nap?

Yes, I'll be going to bed for my regular Sunday afternoon nap in just a little bit.  I've been trying to catch up on sleep, especially with this head cold.  I'm looking forward to it with every ounce of my being.

Does anyone else love their Sunday nap?


  1. I'm glad that you got a break. You spend a lot of time in that church!

    I'm a rare person I'm sure, but I don't really like to nap. If I do, it's only 15 minutes and I'm good. I do love to go to bed at night, and sometimes I get so excited when I lay down in my bed that I have a huge grin across my face.

  2. I answered the questions for you in the comment section of my blog. ;)

  3. I answered the questions for you in the comment section of my blog. ;)

  4. I answered the questions for you in the comment section of my blog. ;)

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. I love an afternoon nap!!! Michael and I usually take turns though...Once Sunday he does and I do the next. Oh it's a blessed rest!


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