Sunday, September 14, 2008

Weekend Highlights

It rained.  A lot!  It still is raining, but I think it's supposed to stop tonight.  I hope so.  Local areas are experiencing some flooding, even to the point of closing schools tomorrow north of here.  It's amazing that a hurricane that hit the Gulf is affecting us in Indiana to this extent.

You'll think this is crazy, but that omelette I made was a major highlight.  I don't like cooking.  You have to understand that.  I like microwaving frozen entrees or making a sandwich for lunch and being done with the matter.   To heat up a pan, mix up the eggs, prepare the filling items, and to patiently cook it until it's just right...that is soooo not my thing, but it was very much worth it because it was a success, not to mention delicious.  I'm kinda thinking about cooking something else.

And then there was the Notre Dame vs. Michigan game on Saturday.  Oh man, Notre Dame was smokin'!  They're now 2-0.  Hope has once again sprung in my heart for my favorite college team.  Two touchdowns within the first 5 minutes of play.  Lots of turnovers.  I haven't seen them play that well since...oh, I can't remember when.  It was awesome!  I was actually clapping and "woo-hoo"ing OUT LOUD by the end of the game, and that's significant to mention because I typically don't get all whooped up when my husband is around.  I'm more of a quiet spectator when I watch sports with people.

So...did anything interesting happen over your weekend?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the great link to the online Bible study on Proverbs 31. I am going to look into it some more, but it looks like something that I can do. I decided not to drive over for the MOPS meetings, so I'm back to finding something in my own town or something I can do at home on my own. Thanks for the tip!

    BTW, the omelette in your last post looks so yummy this morning. I am starving, and all there is for me is oatmeal. An omelette sounds so much better:)


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