I am a very cautious person when it comes to walking on snow and ice. I will walk as slowly as possible to avoid an embarrassing spill. So last night when I went to church I decided to wear my boots. They're high-heeled, mind you, but I figured they'd keep my feet warm better than a loafer. I had no troubles whatsoever getting around the parking lot.
But I never expected I would slip and fall the moment I stepped into my house!!! Seems the soles of my boots were still wet, and as I stepped onto the linoleum at the back door.... BAM! down I went! It sure felt like minutes passed before Rich came to check on me. How could he not feel the house shake as my big butt hit the floor? I laughed at the absurdity of the situation, but it hurt badly. Butt throbbing. Hands stinging. Ouchy!
I still feel sore today, but it's nothing like I imagined it might be. I thought I might crawl out of bed this morning and hobble through my day with a limp. Thankfully, though, no hobbling has been necessary.
Stinkin' boots!
Ugh! Isn't that the worst?